Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Level 6: Production; Interactive- Game Group Layout

So I got tasked with designing my teams layout for our game. It was supposed to be simple but i thought I had to make the background and make it really detailed so.......whoops...technically this wasn't a bad thing cause I did more work XD.

Anyways just posting a bunch of screenshots.

Started with the background colours to show that it starts with the sky and its slowly making its way up to space.

I then I put the a sun at the bottom. Kinda hard to tell but I put a glow around the sun cause without it it looked like an egg XD. Then I added a bunch of clouds as the platforms for our character to jump on and make their way to the top.

I tried to show how it gets darker and scarier around the middle so it gets more challenging for the player to reach the top. So I added some darker clouds with some lightening bolts to zap the player.

Then I added more clouds that were slightly darker so the background didn't look so flat. It was kinda difficult to make the gradient for the background cause it wasn't turning out as smooth as I wanted it but i tried.

However my team member Oscar, showed me how to create the gradient effect. It looked a lot smoother and I just adjusted the colours to my liking.

Damn its really really hard to see but I drew lots of stars. Yes I could have just copied and pasted the stars but who cares.

Here's the yin and yang that the player has to reach right at the top. I added a glow around it to make it look cooler.

And here are the assets for the player to collect. I gabbed these off, Zack. The red asset is a boost jump and the green asset is the soul collector.

Lastly I added some planets. I put some weird patterns on them to make it look more appealing and fun.

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