Last night I made a start screen, a pause screen, a game over screen and a game complete screen for our team game. I first started off with the game complete screen for some reason.
I started off with a fill gradient and used similar colours to our space background.
Then I drew on lots of stars.
I used the aliens and cows font to make the title
Made some rectangles for the score and name bars.
I chose a different font for theses texts so it wouldn't clash with the title font
I gabbed the turnaround of our main characters to put into the screen
Magic wand tool
And drag and drop. I also added the planets from out background to make it look nicer. I added our second character since the player has won their way back to their other half.
I didn't really know what to design for the game over screen so i decided on a black to grey gradient since the character is dead so why not?
I used the magic eraser tool to cut out all the colour on the characters to create a white silhouette. Is it too basic?
When i made the paused screen it actually started off with the start menu but i accidentally deleted it but anyways I slightly changed the gradient colours so it wants the same as the game completed screen, making it lighter and adding more light blue to the bottom. I added the name of our game and also and extra box for the settings bar.
After that was done I redid the start menu by moving the boxes, changing the text and putting out main character back in there.
Then i added some planets from our background and Gabby's blog and also added some clouds since the game starts near the clouds.
Waiting on feedback from my team mates, if they want me to change anything or scrap one of the screens and make a new one I'm totally cool with it.
Game house rules